Isn’t it amazing that the God of the Universe chooses to use us for His glory!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been privileged to hear testimony after testimony of how God intervened in people’s lives. And as I have listened to these amazing stories, I see how God used other people over and over again. From door salesmen to women in the parking lot, to strangers at the grocery store, random people have been presented with the opportunity to share God’s word with others and they responded. How blessed are they! The ones who heard, but also the ones who obeyed and saw God use them!

About 10 years ago, I showed up at church just defeated. And a young lady, probably still in her teens, walked up to me with a note card saying, “Please don’t think I’m crazy, but God told me to give this to you.” On it she had written, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6. He sees you.” And then the pastor started the sermon, “Does anyone in here feel defeated?” Followed by a sermon on Philippians 1:6. God had a message for me, and because of a young girl’s obedience I got that message loud and clear. And to this day, I have that note card and when things get tough, I hold onto that promise.

Those small steps of obedience you take… when the Holy Spirit prompts you to call a random friend… When the Holy Spirits prompts you to share a verse with a stranger… When you get that tug in your heart to help that momma at the store…. God is inviting you to join Him in His work. Take it! God doesn’t have to, but He chooses to use you!

You will be blessed.

The other person will be blessed.

And God is glorified!