Today was my second Sunday at home due to the CoVID 19 virus. But let me tell you, it’s been pretty neat to see what’s going on online on Sunday mornings! As many of you know, my husband is the associate minister at FCC. They have been working hard to get everything ready to livestream. So, he was leaving the house around the time I decided to roll out of bed… (I know rough life…)
After breakfast, I put some VeggieTales on for my kids, then I went to watch church services.
The first service I watched was not my personal church. It was a YouTube prerecorded church service. The worship was solid. The message was beyond timely and powerful.
But then I logged onto Facebook for my church’s livestream. As I watched people from church log in, I was overwhelmed with a message from the Holy Spirit- This is the Church. We are the Church.
Not the building.
Not the pastor.
Not the sermon.
Not the worship team.
We are the church. The people who gather together to worship the Lord.
We are the Church!
I’ve always known that. But to experience that… it’s pretty neat!
Even though we cannot meet at Church, we can gather together intentionally to worship our Lord who is never changing and all-powerful! He alone is our hope!
“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near (Hebrews 10:25)”.