“But SEEK first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” Matthew 6:33.

As I wrote this verse on our whiteboard today, countless games of Hide and Seek went through my head. I remember being a kid and trying to hide in the hardest spot, so the “seeker” would have to look long and hard for me. I remember being the teenager playing with little kids and hiding in the most obvious spots just to make them laugh. And I can recall the laughter and excitement of playing with my own kids. (It’s still a favorite!)

But I also remember wanting to play when I was a kid and adults joking, “How about we play hide and no seek?”

WAIT no seek?!?

That’s like a really important part of the game. Without a seeker, there’s no reason to hide.

Someone has to come find the hidden person.

Seeking- looking and finding are active parts of the game.

Good News— God isn’t playing a game. We might feel like it’s a game of Hide and Seek because our sin nature wants to trick us into hiding and covering up our sin. But He sees it all and still choose to pursue you. Don’t spend eternity hiding and separated from God. Jesus came to earth, lived the perfect life, took the punishment for sin, and rose 3 days later to redeem you and restore your relationship with God! If you believe this in your heart and declare it with your mouth, you are saved!

AND there’s more! You get to walk with the Lord! His Kingdom is not hidden! It’s here and available to all who seek. He literally came to seek and save the lost and calls his followers to join Him in that work!

SEEKING is really important! It is actively looking. Jesus told his disciples to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. That means before anything else, we should be seeking- actively looking and finding- things that bring honor and glory to God for His Kingdom. And when you start looking for it, it’s amazing how much more you find! And then you GET to join God is His work shining His Light for all to see… making disciples of all nations… starting right where you are at.

Seek first the Kingdom of God!