For those of you following me (personally) or my church (First Christian Church Belleville), you know we have been making an effort to #PutJesusbackinChristmas! Each day Happy Hunter and his crew add a name of Jesus to a special tree. We watch a fun video on Facebook, look up the scripture, discuss it, and hang an ornament with that name (which one of the kids painted) on the tree.

This project has been so much fun to create with the Ben (my husband) and the college kids.
But it has been even more fun to do with my kids! They literally wake up every morning and ask what’s the next name for Jesus! And I love it!
However, as I have been scrolling through social media, I realize many of my friends have their kids waking up every morning asking where’s the elf… don’t get me wrong. I love the cleverness and creativity… but I can’t help wondering- what if parents put that much effort into elevating Jesus…

If you are a proclaiming Christian, you have a duty to raise your children up in the ways of the Lord.
The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).”
Parents, if you are raising your children up in the ways of the world, you cannot be surprised when they chose to follow the world rather than God.
I know it’s part of our culture. I know it is the norm. But we were called to be in the world and not of the world. (See John 17:20-23.) The world is full of things that will point your children to themselves, their happiness, and what makes them feel good. It all leads to emptiness… We must show them that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He is the reason to live, every day. Put the focus on Him!
We have to disciple our kids. We have to teach them about Jesus and live on that faith… NOT add his birthday to an already full holiday.
Hard question- where is your focus?
How would your children answer that question…?
What do you place importance on during Christmas? Easter? Every day?