I had to write my conversion testimony for an Evangelism class at Liberty University, and I thought that there was no reason for it to stay on my computer.
So here it is. (I did have to follow a specific format and keep it to 2 pages maximum.)
I have not always been a Christian. I grew up under the mask of Christianity, attending a Catholic school and Sunday services religiously. However, my faith was fake. I lived one way on Sunday mornings and a completely different way throughout the week. I thought this was normal, Christian behavior thus loudly claiming to be Christian. I knew a lot about Christ, but I did not know him personally.
When I was twenty-seven years old, I had the perfect life on outside. I was married with two little boys and working full time as a Catholic school teacher. Though, on the inside it was chaos. My marriage was falling apart. I busied myself with anything I could so I would not have to worry about my responsibilities as a wife and mom. Slowly the little arguments my husband and I would have, built into an on-going, never-ending screaming match. We knew we needed to get help.
We began going to couple’s counseling where I quickly learned that I carried a lot of emotional baggage. After unlearning and relearning how to communicate, life became calmer. However, the day our counselor released us from counseling, my husband and I got in the biggest fight. I ran out to the backdoor and sat on our hill. For the first time in my life, I looked up and said, “God if you are real, I really need you right now.” In that instant, I felt as if I were being hugged. I kept saying, “I don’t know what to do.” In my heart I heard, Be still.
The next day we went back to our counselor, and in that office the Holy Spirit got a hold of my husband. Through tears, he repented. We committed to living a life for God and connected to a church family. Immediately, our lives began to radically change. My life went from chaos to peace. Our marriage went from broken to restored. However, we quickly learned that faith was not a hike up the mountain, but an on-going roller coaster full of ups and downs and everything in between.
The biggest change in my life has occurred as my will began to align with God’s will. Almost immediately, I felt a strong conviction to turn off the television and only fill my mind with entertainment that glorified God. I started reading a lot of books about the Bible and developed my faith, but I was still scared to open my Bible. Slowly, through the encouragement of my husband, I started opening the Bible to the verses I was learning. Then I started a devotional. Before long, I started my own morning studies with God. Now, I eagerly look forward to my morning time with God.
I am constantly growing, learning, being convicted, and changed into the image of Christ. I am learning that faith requires obedience and trust. My husband and I would both be called to leave the life we knew to follow God. I was called to quit my job, homeschool my children, and have more children when it seemed financially irresponsible. Yet God provided. My husband was called to leave his job in carpentry to become a pastor. Even in the middle of this transition, God was preparing me. Before being thrust into the role of pastor’s wife, I felt the call to write a Christian children’s book series, start a blog, and help others grow in their faith by being authentic while sharing my faith journey. The journey has definitely not been a story I could have written for myself, and it has been filled with many uphill battles. Yet, my life reflects a peace that surpasses all understanding. I can truly rest assured that He who started a good work in me will carry it out to completion.
May I share how something like this can happen to you? We are God’s masterpiece. However, we are the clay; God is the potter. You have to surrender your will to His will. Let Him write your story. We all sin. We all fall short of the glory of God. We all need a Savior. Jesus Christ came into this sin-filled world to die on a cross, restore creation to the Creator, giving us eternal life and the ability to have a personal relationship with God while living this earthly life.
A beautiful and powerful testimony, Renee!
So glad God work with you and your husband, and gave you a new relationship with each other… with God as your guide.
Praying for you both! God loves you!