
There’s a mission field out there. And we are called to be the hands and feet, the mouth piece of the Lord. We are to go out and make disciples of all nations. And in all fairness I think it should start right here with our nation!

There are people in your life who need to see the Light of Christ shining through you. People in your life need to hear about Jesus. You need to be prepared to share the Gospel when the Lord presents that opportunity.

We cannot do this by sitting comfortably in our pews each Sunday and pretending there’s not a job to be done. Obedience to these calls …Evangelism… is not just inviting someone to church. It’s showing them who Jesus is and why they need Him.

I get some people don’t know what to say. So here’s a very basic outline- we live in a broken world due to sin. And sin has a punishment. “The wage of sin is death… Romans 6:23” But God loves you so much He sent Jesus to live the perfect life you couldn’t and take the punishment He didn’t deserve. And 3 days later He rose!

You’re invited to join God in His work. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Church was never meant to be a place you go and cheer on those who are doing the work of the ministry. It was never meant to be a place where you go to feel good about yourself and then live your life the way you want.

No it was meant to encourage, equip, provide fellowship, and break bread. It’s the dessert to the rest of your week… not the main course!

Church should be the locker room. The place we go get be prepared, encouraged, given strategy and support so we can go back out in the field.

Do you treat Sundays as a locker room experience or are you content sitting on the bleachers?