You know how there are two people in every relationship? The one who always has a full tank of gas and the one who isn’t even sure if the car will make it to the gas station?
Yeah… well… I’m the second one.
Today my van’s gas light came on… and I thought, well I probably have enough to make it to the store. Well then, the store didn’t have what I needed, so I decided to go to another store… yes without stopping for fuel… On the way home, any time my car hit a bump, I was seriously scared my car would run out of gas and just stop…
Why did I let my car get so low on fuel that I feared running out?!?
Interestingly though, when I feared running out, suddenly I was hyper aware of my lack of fuel!
I was not really too busy.
And it really wasn’t inconvenient. The gas station is right next to my house.
I just didn’t want to.
I think a lot of people treat their relationship with God like this.
I’m too busy. It’s not convenient. I just forgot.
But the truth is, we’re comfortable and don’t want to… until suddenly the lack of fuel comes into view and we have to do something about it.
There’s a secret…. though… you don’t have to get to that point. You can fuel up… daily.
In fact- We should fuel up! Daily!
And the spiritual fuel is free- you just have to accept it!
And you don’t have to go anywhere specific to fuel up- do it right where you are!
Stop. Pray. Open up the Bible App on your phone!
Get in the Word of God. Let it transform you into the image of His Son!
Don’t run out of fuel! Fill up daily!