Hands Full of Blessings!
Sharing Some of My Blessings With You
Growing in Faith

Seek First
“But SEEK first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…” Matthew 6:33. As I wrote this verse on our whiteboard today, countless games of Hide and Seek went through my head. I remember being a kid and trying to hide in the hardest spot, so the “seeker” would have to...

Fuel Up
You know how there are two people in every relationship? The one who always has a full tank of gas and the one who isn’t even sure if the car will make it to the gas station? Yeah… well… I’m the second one. Today my van's gas light came on… and I thought, well I...

Seek and Save the Lost
Every time my kids and I go hiking, we end up talking about “the time mom got us lost” on a trail. Now, sadly, this has happened so often that we have to ask—which time? Well, one time we had just started a really good trail that was supposed to be a moderate,...

Authentic Fan?
As we all prepare to watch the Super Bowl, I was struck with the thought- what would you think of a person decked out in Kansas City Chiefs gear and face paint, but saying “Go Eagles.” That’s not a real fan. Anyone can buy a jersey and put on some paint? Right? Maybe...

As most of you know, I have six kids. Three girls and three boys. And they’re really close in age- 14, 13, 11, 10, 8, and 6. The three girls are those middle numbers- 11, 10 and 8, and they get to share a room. Just last week my husband came downstairs while I was...

Hiking Lesson- Look Up
After Covid shut the world down in 2020, our family started a new hobby- hiking. Well, at the time our kids were 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 so it was more like walks in the woods. Nonetheless, we hit up AllTrails and found the hikes in the area we thought we could handle....

Details in a Bigger Story
I have a child who has an eye for detail. She can see a lizard across the street in the dirt. She sees the turtle in the middle of the brush pile. Details are just something she picks up on naturally. This Christmas, our kids wanted to give each other gifts. So, we...

Have you ever really stopped to think of what it means to be adopted into God’s family? Fully members of God’s family. Once we have been adopted, we have a new family, we are fully accepted and given all the rights of a biological child. We gain a new identity and a...

Great was the Fall
“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the wind blew and beat against the house, and it fell, and great the fall of it (Matthew 7:27).” As I was reading this verse, the thought of Humpty Dumpty came into my head. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And all the...

Locker Room
Christians, There’s a mission field out there. And we are called to be the hands and feet, the mouth piece of the Lord. We are to go out and make disciples of all nations. And in all fairness I think it should start right here with our nation! There are people in your...

Out of Focus
My new camera takes amazing photos. When I see natural beauty, I can’t help but to pull out the camera and take a photo. However, I am used to just using my phone. Pull it out and shoot. The pictures are usually pretty good, but in compassion to the ones I can...

The Hawk- The Common Enemy
While playing outside yesterday, we noticed a hawk in the tree right over head. At first, it was cool to watch, but then it was like, “Oh no, what is it trying to get?” As the day went on, he sat there on the edge of the tree branch high above our heads. But the other...

How Did I Not See It?
At lunch yesterday, I was getting my kids glasses of water. Of course, I couldn’t find any of the baby’s sippy cups… all three of them… couldn’t find one of them. So I asked my kid. “Oh I think he took it outside.” Me- looking outside… NOTHING. “I think he took it in...

Cleaning Out the Closet
So, I’m not exactly a perfectionist. I’m the kind of girl who will purposely hang something up crooked so that I don’t have to worry about it looking level. My husband…Not that way at all. He’s the type of person who will bring out the level and pencils while...

Escape Room
My husband and I had the opportunity to do an Escape Room Challenge for our anniversary. It was super fun! If you have never done one, I would highly recommend it. We will definitely be doing another one soon. Well during this challenge we were locked in...

Guess Who
Yesterday I had the opportunity to observe a rather comical game of “Guess Who?” My 7-year-old was trying to play with my 2-year-old. My 7-year-old son actually did a good job of teaching as they played, but his sister…well, she’s still only 2. My daughter...

Control-Top or Hidding the Problem
Confession time! I love my babies! But I do not love what pregnancy has done to my body. I just had baby #6 three months ago… and I reached the biggest I have ever been! Slowly the pounds are coming off, but that means I am now in the awkward in between stage… You...

Asking For What I Need
My kids are big readers. They love their books. It’s not uncommon to walk into their rooms and see them all reading for fun. To say reading is one of the favorite hobbies around my house would be spot on. Even though they love to read on their own (even my 1 year...

Tearing Down the Awning
One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting. I enjoy crocheting for many reasons. First, it’s a creative outlet. I have no idea how to read a pattern, but I love finding ideas on Pinterest and seeing if I can recreate it. Second, it helps me feel productive. As a mom of...

Letting Go of That “Dirty Shirt”
Recently my son got a new shirt. He wears it as much as we will allow him to wear it. Yesterday morning he woke up with it on and tried to wear it for a second day in a row. My husband told him to go change it. The look on his face said, “But I really want to wear...

Trust Me
Me to my first grader, “Always start in the ones place when adding big numbers. I know it doesn’t matter now, but it will.” Two minutes later, “Start in the ones place.” Thirty seconds later, “Trust me, start in the ones place.” Interjection, “Yes, I still have to do...
It is Worth It!
Sometimes I wonder if chasing this dream of being an established Christian Children’s Book author is worth it. The insane amount of rejection, critiques, and let downs can really wear on someone… especially one who just realized she tends to run to the well of...

Like Arrows
When I started the review section of my blog, I never really intended on doing anything outside of Christian children’s book… but last night I watched a movie on Amazon Prime that I think would benefit parents (young and old alike) to watch- Like Arrows. Movie Title:...

“Lunchtime!” I called and all my kids came running down the steps. “What’s for lunch?” “Awww Lunchmeat sandwiches… again!” “I wanted peanut butter and jelly.” “I wanted ham salad.” “Can I have bologna?” “Can we at least have chips instead of pretzels and crackers?”...

Running Ahead
Yesterday my children and I were walking around the block. At random times they would ask if they could run ahead. I tell them sure, but to wait at an obvious marker such as the end of the street. All of them, even my 2-year-old, would run to that spot, sit down in...

It clicked
As most of you know, I have three daughters. These girls are creative, fun, and energetic… but I cannot say that tidy is an adjective I would use to describe them. Yesterday I walked by their room and noticed how nice and clean it looked, so naturally I complimented...

Chalk Influence
Yesterday I gave my kids some sidewalk chalk and told them to go play. They covered the driveway in drawings and scribbles. They had a blast. (Best $1 ever spent). However, when they came inside tiny chalk footprints lined the foyer, chalk handprint on doors and...

Today I had not one… not two... but three other moms tell me that I was brave while walking around the zoo and Turtle Park with my six kids. Honestly, I was taken back by this. I’m not brave. This is what we do. We run errands together. We go out together. We have fun...

Potty Training
The decade of diapers is almost behind me… My oldest is 10 and my last child is now 2. He also seems to think he is ready to potty train. This morning I stood by him and said good job as he peed all over the floor. My oldest smiled at me and said, “I’ll go get...

Behind the Glass
As I walked into the kitchen this morning, I noticed the beautiful sunrise peaking through the trees. Then I glanced at the thermometer and looked down at my dog asking to go out. It’s freezing out there. Let’s make this quick. I thought as I bundled up and put the...