Hands Full of Blessings! 

Sharing Some of My Blessings With You 


Church Hurt

Church Hurt

As most of you know, my husband is now an Air Force Chaplain. For five years prior, he was a pastor at an amazing community church. But let me tell you all- church ministry is hard! So, I say everything I am about to say, knowing how hard it is to be in church...

Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up

Every Saturday morning, we sleep in, eat waffles for breakfast, and clean the house. And every Saturday morning I find myself cleaning up behind my kids. This morning, after they swept the kitchen, dining room, and office area I came behind them… AND swept up FOUR...

The Plan???

The Plan???

Today's sermon- Knowing God has a plan that includes you is different than you having a plan which hopefully includes Him. Acts 19:11-16 God was working through Paul. Doing such extraordinary things through him. Some people thought- I can do that too. So these men...

In the Boat

In the Boat

Storms of life will happen. It's a guarantee. We live in a broken and fallen world. Full of sin, sickness, and struggles. God knew we couldn't escape our brokenness without Him. That's why He sent us Jesus. It was the plan from the very beginning. Jesus lived a...

The Thief? John 10:10

The Thief? John 10:10

I keep seeing this verse on my FB feed being used out of context, and it’s driving me nuts! I don’t really want to just “add to the noise.” And this isn’t really a personal message that may speak to people…  So, I kept putting it off… Then the Lord puts on my...

Super Faith- Origin Story

Super Faith- Origin Story

There’s something about a superhero story that grips straight at my heart. Maybe it’s the sad origin story. Maybe it’s that every day person stepping up and doing what’s right even when it’s not easy. Maybe it’s that complex relationship between the hero and villain....



My life verse is John 15. It’s literally tattooed on my arm. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing (5).” Apart from Him I can do nothing. I need that constant reminder....

Walking on Water

Walking on Water

So many times we hear the story of Peter walking on water and the focus is Peter taking his eyes off Jesus, focusing on the storm, and sinking. Good message. Keep your eyes on Jesus not your circumstances. But Peter has a lot more to show us here. What if we looked at...

The Waves

The Waves

We took an improv trip to the Gulf of Mexico this weekend. My husband wanted to purchase a truck down there, so we seized the opportunity to make some beach memories! Well, I learned something about myself on this very short trip--- I am much more of a river and lake...