As we all prepare to watch the Super Bowl, I was struck with the thought- what would you think of a person decked out in Kansas City Chiefs gear and face paint, but saying “Go Eagles.”

That’s not a real fan.

Anyone can buy a jersey and put on some paint? Right?

Maybe the KC Chiefs jersey was cheaper than the Eagles one…

Or maybe you might wonder, did they misspeak?

I mean their demeanor and even their choices (clothing and appearance) suggest they are Team Chiefs.

Clearly this person is misrepresenting the uniform…

Or this person’s uniform is misrepresenting them…

Obviously to be a true fan, you must not only wear the appropriate gear, but also speak the appropriate language, but there’s more… you also must truly care about the team’s outcome.

As you gather to celebrate the Super Bowl and the championship game, I want you to consider if your words and actions match up. Are you who you claim to be?

Do you authentically live out the things you say are important to you?

If the answer is no, what’s holding you back from truly being authentic and all in on the things you claim are important?

As followers of Christ, our actions must line up with our words. People will know we are Christians by our love for one another. Not by the words coming out of your mouth.

You are either on the straight and narrow path that leads to life or on the wide path that leads to destruction. In other words we are serving either the Spirit or our flesh? Who gets the glory- God or yourself?

We are called to be His witness and Shine His light wherever we go… but if we are imitating the world rather than Christ, what does our witness say?

Are you truly living out your faith or is it just words coming out of your mouth?              

Here’s what Paul told the Galatians (6:16-26):