Hands Full of Blessings!
Sharing Some of My Blessings With You
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Book Update!!!
Coming soon! Book 1- Daughters of The King: A Princess Problem with Envy Release date: February 25, 2020 You can pre-order on Amazon now! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1951620003 Please tell all your friends who have daughters in the age range of 2-8! Also, please leave...

The Christmas Puzzle
As I was making dinner, my three-year-old wanted some help with a puzzle. Now, this is a new puzzle of the Baby Jesus. (We are very blessed with people in our lives who help point our children to Jesus during a protentional very secular holiday.) Anyways, she was...

Parents: A Glimpse of God
My kids were playing outside as a storm rolled in. I saw a flash and heard a boom. So, I called them inside. My youngest daughter was apparently really scared when I called them in. I gave her a hug, told her she was safe, and sent her to play with her siblings. About...

Love Song from China
Every morning at 5 am, I wake up to teach kids in China online. I love my job! I really do! It honestly amazes me the relationships you can build with kids across the world using a pre-planned 25-minute lesson. That’s not the point of this post, though. Yesterday...

God is Faithful!
I’m getting published!!! I’m so excited to share this news. However, it doesn’t seem right to share this news without sharing how AMAZING our God is! So, let me tell you the whole story! The Call In April of 2017, I felt this stir in my heart to write a book. It...

Well, on Good Friday I found myself in need of a shopping trip to Target. It was a for-real need. The baby only had a handful of diapers left. (And Target’s Up and Up diapers are the best value.) So, my six children and I walked into a busy Target. I was able to...

A few days ago, my husband called for me to come to the computer. He opened up a video from 2010 of our oldest as a baby. The adorable little baby (that looked strikingly similar to our current baby) rolled back and forth on a jungle floor mat happily playing by...

The Splinter
One of my children recently had a splinter in his foot. Now this child is extremely sensitive to touch and pretty much all sensory inputs. He showed me the splinter. I pushed the skin slightly around it and he started crying, “Owwey Owww.” I took a look at him and...

The End of the Thomas Phase
This morning I sat in awe as my boys gave their little sisters all their Thomas the Tank Engine trains saying they do not play with them anymore. While I watched the interaction occur I felt proud. Proud that they realized they do not need those toys in their...

“You Have Your Hands Full!”
A couple years ago, I was walking into Target with my (then) four kids. I had one kid in the cart, and the other 3 riding along the sides of it. As I started heading into the store, a random man made eye contact with me. … Great… Here we go again… another conversation...