Title: If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart Author: Jill Roman Lord Illustrator: Amy Wummer Publisher: Worthy Kids Summary: A new size for this sweet and brightly colored board book that explores the presence of Jesus in our lives. If Jesus lived inside our hearts, would it...
Title: Jesus Story Book Bible Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones Illustrator: Jago Summary: For over a decade, The Jesus Storybook Bible has been introducing children to God’s wonderful story, and the Savior at the center of that story. Trusted and treasured for over a decade,...
I know not everyone has the same opinion of tattoos as I do (and that’s ok), but I want to share my tattoo story. As most of you know, my family and I recently moved to a home right next to the church we have been serving in for almost three years. Prior to this move,...
Book: Children Arise Author: Jenny Johnson Illustrator: Jessie Blasdel Summary: Children Arise is a book empowering children to become all God created them to be by teaching them how to partner with Holy Spirit! Children Arise is a sweet storybook that teaches little...